let the adventure begin!
my pct so far: part 1
here’s where my PCT obsession finally made it to trail, in july 2022.
training for the trail
as i work on getting physically ready for my 2025 Pacific Crest Trail adventure, i'm focusing on cardio, strength, flexibility, and nutrition.
my top 10 trail snacks!
what are YOUR favorite trail snacks??? here are the top 10 treats that power my hikes!
ice cream cone or crap?
happy (belated) solstice! in this video i share a few thoughts on enjoying winter, keeping one's focus on the positive, and staying flexible with my hiking plans.
#HikeSlow #TakePictures #EatSnacks
hi! my name is mythic and in 2025 i'll be continuing my multi-year thru-hike (m.y.t.h.) of the pacific crest trail – 534 miles down, just 2,119 to go! 🙂